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SURVEY: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/K2WTF6Q Thank you to all of the brilliant and wonderful people who helped me create this video. Below are resources to find more information. Please leave questions or comments below on incontinence issues or reach out to our resources here: Allie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trainhardpizzaharder/ Dr. Carrie Pagliano Twitter: https://twitter.com/cj_paglianopt Carrie J. Pagliano, PT, DPT, OCS, WCS, MTC Physical Therapist Board Certified Women's Health Clinical Specialist Board Certified Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist Director, Women's Health Physical Therapy Residency Program Survey for Women with Incontinence Issues: _________________________________________________________ Notes from Dr. Carrie Pagliano Causes of SUI: From a muscle perspective: muscle overactivity or underactivity, poor timing/coordination Things that can contribute to SUI include: pregnancy, your gene pool (the make-up of the collagen that mom and dad gave you; sometimes they give you good elastic tissue that has good stiffness and support and sometimes not!), chronic constipation, chronic heavy lifting with poor mechanics, can also come with some hip and low back pain issues Signs of pelvic floor overactivity: urinary urgency/frequency, painful sex or bowel movements, constipation, taking awhile to start your urine flow, leakage with heavy lifting or jumping/running Signs of pelvic floor underactivity: loss of urine control with strong urge, heavy lifting, jumping/running Tips for people with SUI: - Figure out if you have overactivity or underactivity (can you contract AND relax your pelvic floor muscles) - Do you have other symptoms (overactivity or underactivity) - If you're not sure get it checked! www.womenshealthapta.org (Boys can have pelvic floors and can have this problem too...and we treat them #equalopportunityPT) Tips for lifters: -Not all tips work for everyone (ID the problem/cause first to pick the right solution!) -ABC's- Alignment/form, breath, core (are you working from the inside-deepest muscles-out) -Vocalization/exhalation typically activates the deepest abdominals (Transverse abdominals) and pelvic floor. Since lifters are using breath-holding for postural support instead of breathing (that whole survival thing) sometimes you need a quick reminder to activate those deepest muscles if they're not already doing so. The verbalization or quick controlled slight exhale can help get the deepest muscles working for you! There's some great resources out there! Also check out these great physiotherapists (PT's) who are a part of the #pelvicmafia: Antony Lo (@physiodetective) Julie Wiebe (@juliewiebePT) When in doubt please tweet me or email me to find someone to help you #GetDry! #PantsNotPads WWW.STRONGSTRONGFRIENDS.COM Disounts for things I use: Supplements: https://megsquats.1stphorm.com Meals - USE DISCOUNT CODE 'MEGSQUATS' for 10% off http://www.macrofuelmeals.com Nutrition Coaching - USE DISCOUNT CODE 'MEG10' for 10% off http://renaissanceperiodization.com/product-category/products/ Follow me on the things: ► Instagram @megsquats ► Twitter @megsquats ► Snapchat @megsquats
Why do girls PEE when they LIFT?Why do girls PEE when they LIFT?Why do girls PEE when they LIFT?Why do girls PEE when they LIFT?
Why do girls PEE when they LIFT?