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A 17- year old came from Nepal to Delhi in search of work when her life took a turn for the worst. The girl was drugged and raped. A few months later when she complained of extreme stomach ache, it was found that the girl was seven months pregnant. Kailash Satyarthi Children's Foundation's sister organsiation Bachpan Bachao Andolan is now helping this child with counseling and legal aid. #JusticeForEveryChild
Minor Girl Drugged And Raped By Neighbour, Test Confirms PregnancyMinor Girl Drugged And Raped By Neighbour, Test Confirms PregnancyMinor Girl Drugged And Raped By Neighbour, Test Confirms PregnancyMinor Girl Drugged And Raped By Neighbour, Test Confirms Pregnancy
Minor Girl Drugged And Raped By Neighbour, Test Confirms Pregnancy